Teaching Philosophy Statement
“If we can make children love intellectual effort, we shall prolong habits of study beyond school years.” ― Susan Blow
Teaching challenges educators to be innovative and collaborative to keep their students interested and engaged. Benjamin Bloom suggests students can be taught through different domains and cognitive requirements. For example, memorization and recollection are superficially encoded, while independent and collaborative synthesis, and evaluation results in more deeply encoded learning. Enriched learning requires the use of various assessment measures, and the desire to both utilize and move beyond midterms and examinations.
“Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.”
― B.F. Skinner
Teaching Assistantships
Unless otherwise specified, Teaching Assistantship positions are for 70-90 hours each.* Graduate Teaching Assistantship positions are for 120-140 hrs each.Winter 2023
MGMT*3020 Corporate Social Responsibility*
Summer 2022
BUS*6140 Foundations of Human Resource Management*
Winter 2022
HROB*2090 Individuals and Groups in Organizations
HROB*4010 Leadership Certificate Capstone
Fall 2021
MGMT*4100 Management Decision Making
Winter 2021
HROB*2090 Individuals and Groups in Organizations
Fall 2020
MGMT*3020 Corporate Social Responsibility*
Winter 2020
PSYC 320 Advanced Topics in Social Psychology*
Fall 2019
PSYC 101 Introductory Psychology (Live Stream)
Winter 2019
PSYC 101-991 Introductory Psychology
Fall 2018
Lead Teaching Assistant: PSYC 101 Introductory Psychology*
Winter 2018
PSYC 101 Introductory Psychology
JS 100 Introduction to Justice
Fall 2017
PSYC 101 Introductory Psychology*